Suggest a site.
If you know of a site that may be of interest to those who read these pages please and we shall review it.


The British Heraldic Archive
The British Library's Online Information Server
Castles on the Web
Centre for History, Archaeology, and Art History Home Page
Council for British Archaeology WWW homepage
Directory of Royal Genealogical Data
The Domesday Survey
King Dunmail
Elizabeth I -- Literary Works
English Heritage
English Kings and Queens -- 1485 to the Present
The History of Costume
Institute of Historical Research: Main Menu
The Kew Bridge Steam Museum
Labyrinth WWW Home Page
The Lighthouse Society of Great Britain
The Medieval Sourcebook
The Monarchs of England and Great Britain
Museums in the UK
The National Trust
Rampant Scotland - Castles of Scotland
Regia Anglorum: Pre-Norman Living History
Richard III Society Homepage
Secrets of the Norman Invasion
The Society for Creative Anachronism
UK and Ireland Genealogy
The Victorian Web
WWW Medieval Resources


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